Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Travelling in Ecuador: Alausí


Alausí is located in the province of Chimborazo. San Pedro de Alausí is a lovely, delightful city; some of the architecture has been preserved over time. The fog in the city at night makes it look like an enchanted town. The main touristic attraction is the Nariz del Diablo (Devil's Nose) tour by train. Once it was called "the most difficult railroad in the world!" due to it's zigzag shape and the difficult access for it's construction. Originally, the train used to go all the way up to Durán, in the province of Guayas, but the railroad track has suffered a lot of damage: floods, landslides due to the rain, etc. Still, you can enjoy the little trip by train.
My stepson, waiting for the tour to start.

It's a three-hour tour, but the time spent in the train is one and half hour (45 minutes going and 45 minutes returning). The railroad track goes alongside the Chanchán River. You can take beautiful photos of the Nariz del Diablo mountain  from the gazebo in the Sibambe Train Station, where you will have a little meal (included in the price ticket). There you can visit the Cóndor Puñuna (the Condor Nest) Interpretation Centre; it's a guided visit. After that, is time to return to the city.

Chanchán river, photo taken from the train

In the train

Alausí, a foggy night

For more information about the tour by train and if you want to buy tickets online, please click here.

We like to travel in an inexpensive way, that's why we always stay in cheap hotels, but don't take this the wrong way, cheap as not expensive nor luxurious, but affordable, clean, comfortable and with an excellent service. So while we're in Alausí we stay at Ventura Hostel. If you want more information about the hostel, you can call these numbers (calling from Ecuador): 032930367 -  09800138223.

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